The Latest Updates For NYC Real Estate – Light At The End Of The Covid-19 Tunnel

The stock market is up to almost historic levels, unemployment just dropped by 2.5 million, rates are at historic lows and buyer activity outside of New York City is going gangbusters. Cary Tamura, real estate agent with Corcoran discusses:

Good timing- New York State just came out with a brand new anti-discrimination disclosure form that must be attached to all new listings and sign bye landlords, sellers, buyers and renters. This will take you through all the disclosure forms that come along with the listing agreement including the newest I just focus on fair housing. #nycrealestate #nyrealestate, #brooklynrealestate #queensrealestate #fairhousing #racisminrealestate #nycrealestateagent

It is very important for buyers to know that listing syndication has stopped to websites like Zillow, Trulia and Streeteasy. This means that at any given time these sites will not have all the listings available on the market. #nycrealestate #manhattanrealestate #brooklynrealestate

Virtual housing court has started back up with a goal of working through existing and pending cases. The hope is to clear out the dockets so that they can be ready for the wave of proceedings that they are expecting once new evection proceedings can begin.

We can’t fix problems if we don’t know they are there or wont admit to them. Racial bias still exists in real estate and recently there was three-year-long undercover investigation by Newsday on racial discrimination amongst real estate agents in Long Island.